
Memory can be affected in many ways after RHD. Some people have difficulty remembering movies they saw, books they read, or conversations they had. Some may not remember things they should do in the future, such as doctor’s appointments or taking medication. Some may not remember the precautions they were given (such as using canes or walkers).

What you can do

There are several strategies for reducing problems related to memory. First, make sure the person is paying attention and listening when instructions are given. If they’re not paying attention it is very unlikely that they will remember what was said. Second, identify one spot in the house where reminders will be put – this could be notes on the fridge, a white board in the living room, or a notepad by the bed. Put all important reminders in this spot, and be sure to erase/remove reminders that are no longer relevant. If the person is able to use a smartphone, reminders can be put into the phone.